Sunday, October 31, 2010

why there aren't more sunflowers

on such a day as this, all hallows eve, the eerie silence on the bridge of a drydocked Diligence reminds me how the tingle of fear makes me feel alive. not like the talking picture paranormal activity or its equally amateur sequel, it is the minute sensations of fear in an ideal setting that expose your core and reveal the things that truly make your skin crawl. I don't need ridiculous amounts of gore to clench the plastic arms of my movie seat with white-knuckled fingers... the most frightening movie moments don't reside in the details, they're in the unknown. we didn't have to see entrails when Jack Torrance axed down Dick Hallorann in The Shining, and we all know that flick is downright haunting.

the world is scary enough, if the daily news is any indicator of what is really going on. the events that drive the plots in today's remotely realistic horror films are, scary enough, not a long shot from things that have happened or could happen in our own human race. as I stand here on watch munching on my favorite DAVIDS snack, I can't help but be convinced that the world and those who reside on her surface would be exponentially less scary if there were more sunflowers. maybe its the areas that I've spent most of time in during my two-four years of existence but I unfotunately cannot recall when I saw my last sunflower. it pains me that each of these delicious barbecue-flavored morsels that I so coldly eat and spit are simply aborted sunflowers, brutally harvested, then roasted, seasoned and packaged so that just one person can selfishly indulge in their bounty.

so does the blame trickle down as far as me? every seed I enjoy marks a tally for team evil, team anti-sunflowers. I boast that i am not an evil person, but do I play maybe a miniscule role in the evil that lies dormant in the bowels of this world only to reach the surface and extend its pale, cold fingers to our unsuspecting brothers and sisters day after day?

No. I blame DAVIDS.

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