Thursday, October 7, 2010

uncharted waters

adriana and I will soon undergo yet another s-turn in our lives and relationship. tomorrow, 08OCT10, marks one day til my disembarking of Wilmington and casting out upon the expansive waters of the Atlantic and the Caribbean. although my mind is ready, my heart is not, and could never become, prepared for another zero two month tour away from my baby(ies). I have to constantly remind (persuade) myself that time will fly as it normally does and that I will be back on land in no time at all. the fact is that there will be time and it will be difficult, but it's nothing we can't endure. I am thankful for the family and friends that she will have to spend her time with. I know that she would make it without such avenues but I know I surely couldn't do the same. looking out over the murky and trying sixty days, the comforting thoughts of home and my baby make these uncharted waters seem a little more navigable.

1 comment:

  1. love you zack!!! i know this must be so hard for you to leave...and with such mixed emotions! we will be(and have been!) praying for you especially during these next 2 months!! we have already planned to invite age here to our digs to be with our fam also for a couple days while she is in NJ! you are right...she will be greatly taken care of by all her family and friends.... but we will all miss you!
