yesterday afternoon at 1:00 p.m., I watched Zack and the crew of the USCGC Diligence depart from Wilmington to the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean. they left for their first port call of their 2 month patrol. as Zack wrote in the previous entry, this is going to be a very difficult 2 months. it is these times that I am reminded of just how blessed my life is, to have such a wonderful husband willing to do what is necessary for our family (the new baby), and his country. it also makes me realize how much our military families sacrifice for our country and our freedom. i am so thankful to each and every man and woman who voluntarily serve our country. I am also grateful that Zack will only be gone for 2 months and will have the ability to communicate sporadically throughout the patrol. I can't imagine how it must be to say goodbye to a spouse who is being deployed to Afghanistan.
here are a few pics of Zack on the Diligence. if i may say so myself, he looks good on the ship :) can't wait to take pictures of them pulling back in port!
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