alrighty. so here it is. i am going to TRY (and i emphasize the word try) to post a picture daily, or close to it, of Rōnin so that you all can follow his growth. it has been exciting and very hard. no one could really prepare us for what parenthood is like, but we are having fun.
Rōnin has been having a few firsts. he had his first real bath (of which we continue to forget to take pictures every night) and he had his first smile. he never smiles when we have the camera but instead makes these stupid faces so we can't capture a shot of how cute he really is (i think he learned how to ruin a picture from his pop-pop alessi). so i have pictures to post but the only way you will really be able to see what rōnin truly looks like is if you come for a visit (hint hint).
please take note of the mohawk. it has taken 3 nights of baths for us to finally get it to work. oh and kachi loves the crib...
Kachi may love the crib, but Ronin does not seem too pleased with the arrangement. About the silly faces, i have to agree. he's a lot cuter than that! the influence of his pop-pop may not be denied!