Monday, August 23, 2010

ahoy, mates!

so sorry for the break in entries. zack and i have been going crazy. between his work schedule and my nausea, the blogs haven't been flowing regularly. here is an update.

a few weeks back we had the rare opportunity
of visiting Coast Guard Cutter Eagle, the CG's only tall ship. and interestingly, the only still functioning tall ship in any of the united states military branches.
the coolest part of the ship is its history; it was a war prize from the germans after WWII. hitler did go on board the ship, and it had a u-boat engine below deck when we won it. so awesome.

a couple of days before our tour, zack and I met one of the cadets in downtown wilmington and he gave us the vip tour of the ship. it was incredible. the ward room (where all the big wigs onboard eat their chow) is one of the most beautiful rooms I have seen in all of my life.

here are a few pictures of our experience. oh, and the eagle on the front of the ship now holds the CG emblem, it used to hold a swastika. enjoy! over

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