the hour of reckoning is almost upon us. waiting to report in to work has been kind of weird, especially being fresh out of basic... where every minute is brimming with seventy seconds of planned excitement. tomorrow is the day and with all the time we have had, a dry run to the LORAN station seemed like a responsible precaution to take, as to not be late in the AM and avoid confusion in those very comfortable tropical blues. our visit was successful and deserved a hang loose as we transited back to sunset park and our lovely new cottage.
mamba loved romping around in the backyard while we accompanied her, it was when we went indoors that she began to don her not-so-adorable, downright manic side. she fared just fine as we measured for furniture space until, of course, we were in the final compartment. according to the repair man, the shirtless fellow slaving away in the kitchen, mamba nudged the back door, whimpered, then sauntered back to the den. a nice steamy pile was waiting for the two of us as we headed for the front door. just as an expensive bottle of champagne is reduced to bubbles and shards as it collides with the hull of a vessel prior to its maiden voyage, that horrid mount of excrement definitely broke the flavor-lock seal that stood between us and our new canary-yellow ship. even though we still live in this hotel room, 2025 burnett boulevard officially became home this afternoon.
I never realized how hard it is to capture the interior of a home with a camera, you can never quite fit everything in the shot to make it look like a room; for all you people know, our new house could be like the set of a t.v. show, just three walls and an audience behind the camera... try to use your imagination. BETTER YET! come and visit. over.
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