Sunday, February 19, 2012
valentines day (about a week late)
i can honestly say i have never been a big valentines day celebrator. but ever since i truly fell in love, the day doesn't seem as bad as i had made it in my head. and now with rōnin, the day is so much better. we don't do the whole big gestures. its no pressure. i mean we have 364 other days (and 365 this year) to show each other how much we love one another. but its still fun to take extra time and create something. for me that means getting my stupid jokes out (i made zack a bag of donut holes with a sign that said "donut you know i love you a hole bunch!?!").
zack however thought about me and this pregnancy and made something very special and sweet. i have been a huge bacon lover this pregnancy. now for those of you who don't know, i used to hate bacon. pretty much pork in general, i was jewish that way. but the past few months have been bacon filled. what is the typical v-day gift? roses. so zack gave me roses. but these were special roses. he wrapped and cooked bacon to look like roses, put them in a bouquet, and set a beautiful breakfast table with "flowers". it was so fun eating my roses!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
better late than never.
here are few pictures from the morning the diligence pulled out on december 10, 2011.
and here are two pictures of the day they pulled back in january 19, 2012. all i can say is "like father, like son"
our musician
so what's the worst thing you could probably give an 11 month old? drumsticks. real, adult drumsticks. i mean besides the obvious eye hazard, there is the danger to all around him. well we gave him drumsticks. and he is actually surprisingly good. he typically holds them the right way (which of course he is not in these pictures) and he plays along to music or plays with elmo. he definitely seems to have rhythm. but nonetheless, mamba has to steer clear because they hurt.
mama (thinks she) knows best
since most of you have never seen our home, i need to preface this blog with a brief description of how small our house is. it is so small that we can't fit a normal size couch. it is so small that a queen size bed takes up our entire bedroom. it is so small that 4 people can be a crowd. this is no exaggeration. therefore it is too small to fit a pack and play set up and still walk.
with that said, i had to take a shower, rōnin was awake, and i had an appointment. so the genius me thought "i can barricade him in the hallway, close the doors to the rooms, put the baby gate up, get him some toys and he will be safe. i baby proofed the bathroom from all dangers and got on with what i needed to do.
i only forgot one thing. the toilet paper. and the thing that makes it worse is i had just put a brand new roll. well rōnin discovered the paper and that if he pulls on it it keeps coming (and coming and coming). when i got out of the shower this is what i found.
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