Tuesday, July 27, 2010

a second guest and a celebrity sighting...

a.pash reporting from wilmington. z.pash just completed his 2nd week underway in baltimore. he has been working hard at the shipyard, preparing for his first time at sea. bring on the sea sickness.

like zack, I too have had some adjusting to do - life in wilmington without him. but thankfully, for the past week my mom has been visiting me, keeping me company, and doing a bit of stalking with me. she has made the adjustment process a little easier.

as many of you know, if not all, i have this guilty pleasure. it is called "one tree hill" (or OTH as it will be known from here on out). OTH is filmed right here in wilmington and my mama and i had two sightings, one of which was a short mile from our house. i cannot lie, i was very giddy, and sadly, really enjoyed the experience. we were definitely the oldest ones there. most fan were between the ages of 13-16, so our being there was a bit embarrassing, but hey, you only live once right?

here are a few pics of our adventure. the actor we were able to get our picture with is austin nichols or "julian". i have to say, he was super nice, so thankful for his loyal fans :)

i am so pathetic... enjoy... over

Saturday, July 10, 2010

our first visitors... and just in time too, we were beginning to get tired of eachother.

mama and papa pash come to visit, and they came bearing felines. we visited the Cape Fear Museum the morning of their final day with us, today. very cool to learn the history of our new home... absolutely wild, we recommend you research... or better yet, come and visit us and your trip to the museum is on us, deal?

more domestic accomplishments

bedroom with newly installed exposed wardrobes (we sleep in a giant walk-in closet). den and the kitchen all purdy-ed up.

metamorphosis, per the wonderfully swedish folks at IKEA

adriana should have been wearing a helmet on the way home from IKEA, if we had to stop quickly or accidentally zipped over a speed bump... crashing down upon the passenger came much of what we purchased. and of course, we began building immediately after the four-hour drive back to Wilmington. approximately 3:30 am.


a lot of sweat, a little blood, and far too much time... since we've last posted, that is. there is so much to tell and since most of you lose interest in our incoherent ramblings after the first line or two, we'll let the pictures do the storytelling for us. on the other hand, for those faithful few who anxiously await the preciously golden commentary that accompanies our journey through the viewfinder... the physical metamorphosis may be complete, but trust you me, that giant undertaking only creates more time and opportunity for twinfin and the zoo to take you down the literary rabbit hole. take the red pill .